John’s Software Learning Academy Blog
A place to learn how to write multi-platform, high end software applications from start to finish.
Hi, my name is John Molinari. I am a software engineer and own a software company building cross platform applications. I spent years learning many different software languages. I have learned that every one of my clients have their unique requirements. I also have many years’ experience explaining and simplifying complex concepts. I am creating this information site to help clarify the confusing technology coding landscape. The purpose is explain my approach towards building multi-platform applications, from start to finish.
If you are a beginner, the multitude of technologies and languages can be confusing. What language should you learn first? How hard is it to learn? Can I learn if I am not great at math? It sounds too hard, can anyone learn to do it? If you want to eventually be an advanced programmer, which technologies should you learn and in what order?
These are good questions to ask. I can tell you that I am not great at math and I never planned to become an advanced programmer. I actually think of myself as a creative person. So, programming was not my goal when I was young. But, after years of learning, through my creative passion to build applications, I have become an advanced programmer.
Keep tuned for updates to this blog. If you have any questions for suggestions, please add comment below.
John Molinari
Sonoma Data Solutions, LLC
Santa Rosa, CA
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